Dear Job Path Family and Friends,
As you know, last spring, Fredda Rosen, Job Path’s executive director for the past 42 years, announced her retirement effective June 30, 2022. Following Fredda’s announcement, the Job Path board undertook a search to find a new leader. It is with great pleasure that I write to tell you that the Job Path board has chosen Carly Teichman to become Job Path’s next Chief Executive Officer effective July 1, 2022. I would like to say a few words about why the board, in a unanimous decision and with great confidence and enthusiasm, has selected Carly to become Job Path’s leader.

Carly Teichman
For the past seven of her fifteen years at Job Path, Carly has overseen our Supported Living, Community Connections and Self-Direction programs: three complex operations serving approximately 150 individuals, employing about 120 staff and with budgets totaling $6.6 million. She’s led these multi-faceted and multi-funded operations with stellar skill and a strategic vision that is grounded in the needs of the people we support. Carly’s clinical wisdom, deep knowledge of our work and staff, and thorough understanding of our highly regulated environment and complicated funding mechanisms position her to step right into the leadership role and to advance our work with proficiency and creativity that is the hallmark of our programs. Undergirding her skill, experience and knowledge is Carly’s profound commitment to Job Path’s mission. She has made Job Path her professional home, and Job Path’s values are part of her DNA. She believes wholeheartedly in ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to bring their gifts and talents to the workforce and to community life.
Carly is absolutely committed to the individuals and families we support, as many of you know from your work with her over the years. She is also dedicated to our incredible staff and to ensuring that Job Path provides a supportive, equitable work environment and opportunities for mentoring and promotion. Fredda and Carly will have the opportunity to work together over the next three months to ensure a smooth transition. The board has a transition committee in place to partner with them in this effort. We board members are excited about working with Carly–and about Job Path’s future. With your partnership, and the board’s support, Carly will lead Job Path to new achievements and will continue Job Path’s journey of innovation, all in the service of supporting people with developmental disabilities to lead rich and fulfilling lives.
Gary Mayerson
Chair, Job Path Board of Trustees